UN-OHRLLS :: Least Developed Countries - About LDCs.
IEEE - e-Membership in Developing Nations.
List of Developed Countries - Vaginal Birth After Cesarean: New.
List of developing countries.
Country list of developing countries 2012.
Developing Countries and Territories by Income Group1 and. - ESDS.List of Economically Developing Countries, PDF · Print · E-mail. Cambodia Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Rep. Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros. Answers - I need a list of developed and underdeveloped countries? Brazil, India, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey, most countries in Africa. DAC List of ODA Recipients. Effective for reporting on 2011, 2012 and 2013 flows . Least Developed Countries. Other Low. Central African Rep. El Salvador. Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes. the General Assembly added South Sudan to the list of Least Developed Countries (LDCs).
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List of Advanced Developing Countries - usaid.
Developing Countries - International Statistical Institute.List C is further divided into sub-list C1 (countries in Africa);.
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