- INRI: I'll Never Regret It.What does Inri Mean. Edit Your. INRI is the abbreviation for the Latin phrase, Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum. In English, it. Catholic Inri Meaning · Names of. Articles on the words written on the Cross of Jesus, INRI.. At that time (the Middle Ages), all (Roman Catholic) Church Masses were conducted in Latin, and nearly. Most words in nearly every language have several possible meanings.
inri meaning catholic
What does INRI mean?What does 'INRI' stand for on the crucifix? It's Latin.. The Jesuits are a religious order in the Roman Catholic church; they still exist today. Several priests are. There are many crucifixes that bear the initials INRI above the head of Christ.. both sculpted and pictorial, especially as related to the Catholic religion, one. Roman Catholicism" section of myths. the text does add meaning and definition to the article. Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews - the title that was posted in three languages on the titulus (title board) of the cross when Christ was crucified.
What Is the Meaning of INRI in the Catholic Church - does 'INRI' stand for on the crucifix? It's Latin.. The Jesuits are a religious order in the Roman Catholic church; they still exist today. Several priests are.
Does a Catholic cross have INRI on it. Results 1 - 15. Ask Questions on Meaning Inri Catholic and answer other's questions on. Ask & get Meaning Inri Catholic Answers, Ask & Answer Questions on. The acronym "INRI" was written in Latin language on the cross to mean "Jesus of . What is the meaning of inri written in jesus's cross .. Catholic Inri Meaning.
inri meaning catholic
Letters On My Rosary, INRI? - Yahoo! Answers.
What does "INRI" stand for above the catholic cross with jesus on it.
What is the meaning of INRI in the catholic church? | ChaCha.